Sunday, January 11, 2009

KLAVA Back to Nature Relay - 11 Jan'09

This is my 3rd time taking part in the competition. I just ran 25km yesterday and today for another 3.3km speed. I was having running nose towards night. With proper medication, I went to bed.

When I got up today, I started coughing. But I didnt wanted to disapoint my teamates. So I got ready with my untensils and marched to the battle spot.

Upon reahing there, got to know 31teams are taking part. I realised, it's going to be a tough one. Anyway, I told Suresh and Thurei just to complete the race.

I was the 1st runner, the baton was heavier than normal. It looked like the plumber's pipe. Once, started, I was among the top 20 runner. The pace picked up. However after 1km, some slowed down. So, it was my time to overtake them. My aim was to finish top 10.

As reaching the lat 1.5km, the road was uneven with spills from cement factory which was not properly leveled. I do realise if I slow down my pace, there would bve around 5 runners who can overtake me. So I just pushed my way to the finishing line and passed the baton to Thurei.

Thurei prooved that injury doesnt scare him again. He managed to keep himself not to be overtaken by anybody from our category before passing the responsibility to Suresh.

The anchor and captain of the team, Suresh, maitained the pace since there were nobody to pace him from back and front.

The verdict, we were placed 6th out of 31 teams. Something to be proud of with a team of amatuers. A great booster for me towards next week's Great Eastern Run.

My achievement

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