Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Wrestling is stronger than Squash and Softball

Wrestling manage to flex their muscle and outdo softball and squash to obtain a place in 2020 Olympic Games.

When, Malaysia was all out focusing on squash to be placed in the games as we could have slim chance of winning gold medal through Nicol David, But it was all squashed.

Even, Low Beng Choo had influence for her softball at international arena.

Nevertheless, people still watch WWF wrestling everyday around the world. although Olympic style is softer.

Let's hope that Squash can be included in 2024 edition, although Nicol could be with her children then.

Criminally Lawyers

We know lawyers could fight for the citizen for justice and rights for people.

Sometimes, the loop holes could be their advantage to win the case due to their creativity.
Nevertheless, should the lawyer uses the creativity to help criminal to escape from his punishment, then why are they calling themselves as lawyers. They can call themselves as lawyers in crime.

The creativity, smartness, skills on argument could lead them to victory but, when it occurs to them, it will be too late for them to regret.

Toilet posture - Squatting is better than sitting

Squatting for proper toilet posture/ Avoid Colon Cancer
Indians got it right in India, and yet westerners think it is primitive!... !  


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Sepak Takraw team in deep shit

Recent dismal performance in World Championship by loosing to minnows South Korea in straight games made the Ministry of sports to stop the funding from governmentt.

The Malaysian Sepak Takraw Association wants RM8.8million for further development. But the management change has to take place but nobody wants to leave their seat.

It's still the same old face managing the association. South Korea's coach is another south Korean. They went on to beat Thailand, Indonesia and now Malaysia.

Is a sport originated from our country, but now we lagging behind. Rather than talking about grass root, have we evaluated our selection system, coaching method, sportsmanship. Just wonder if are ready for upcoming sea games. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Charity Kidney Run 1-Sept

I didn't had much expectation on this race as it's a charity race. As usual they started 10 minutes late. The distance was only 9km. The route was almost flat until the last 1km.

It's my 3rd time racing at i-city and i knew finishing would be a uphill task. There were 2 water station. the 2nd water station, they gave us bottle, so I just poured onto myself.

There were many turnings although adequate marshals at every junction. It was a similar route as MWM which went through seksyen 7 housing area.
Timing was 50minutes for the slow run.

My next race will be KLM.

It's up by 20cents

Petrol price is up by 20 cents. The last hike was in December 2010. The funny part was it was hiked without even informing or alerting. It's increase of 10.5%.

We are still 2nd lowest in South east asia, but how long you going to stick on it.Other countries has better transportation system. By raise of fuel price, the transporter and logistic provider will raise their charges. That will affect the suppliers and producer of goods.

This directly raise the cost of product which the burden will come back to the public through raise in cost of living and inflation.

Just look at Singapore and I don't even need a car to travel around. Thus, I would not even bother about car price or petrol price.

It's a good Merdeka gift from Bee Ann government, so that the ministers can pocket the money for their family members. 

It was 56th Independence Day

We have celebrated 56th Independence day. But have we really got the independence?
We are celebrating that we are free from the British. But:
-are we really free from fear of crimes
-are we free from inflation?
- are we free from theft and burglary?
- are we free from poverty?

Mahatma Gandhi once said, if a girl wears full of gold chain and walks alone at midnight and comes back home safe, that's where we have the real independence.