Monday, April 30, 2012

Bersih 3.0 - Gain and Loss

The city Centre was in havoc since Friday Night till Saturday evening. Even for a free hockey or football match, I wouldn't have seen much people but for this event, it was attended by thousand of public from different races regardless of religion, cash, occupation or wealth.

It was not a suppose to be Raleigh, but just a protest by assembling at Dataran Merdeka or they call "Duduk dan Bantah". It was also combined with Lynas - Go Green Protest.

The protest went on, Police team manage to stop public for coming to Dataran Merdeka as it was not permitted. There were public whom got hit by police, but on published newspapers, it was only favored the police and not the public.

I was there at 12am on Friday night. The police surrounded the Dataran Merdaka and Jalan Tun Perak was covered by public.

The government didn't give permission to have it at this place as they gave lame excuse of distract tourism, loss of business and traffic jam.

When we celebrate Thaipusam, the chariot also comes from city centre, but no businessman or taxi driver complained abt it.

When the public gathered outside the high court on 9 Jan'12, they did not fight or go against the police.

There were more than 20 countries where this Raleigh went on but those countries local legislation allowed it.

But Why in malaysia, it's such a situation.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Clay Courts not for Asia?

We all know that French Open or more known as Rolland Garros is played on Clay Court. Special grand Slam event and Rafael Nadal is well known for it as King of Clay. Apart from this tournament, there are around 35 WTA and ATP tournaments played on clay.

But most of these tournaments are played in European continent and some played in South American continent. None is played in Asia or even African continent.

Just wonder why such arrangement?

Is it because Asia is a continent with humid which doesn't suit clay court?

Bersih 3.0 Gathering Not Allowed at Dataran Merdeka

When the government has abolished ISA and said peaceful gathering can be held at public areas i.e stadium or hall. But here's the catch, the government will not allow any places that comes under their jurisdiction i.e "all Bee Ann areas"  or federal Territories.

When Bersih 3.0 is scheduled to take place at Dataran Merdeka on 28 April, here's how our Home Minister whom is also son of former prime minister tries to weaken the energy of the Bersih team.

Why can't they just allow the gathering but give a tight security.

In overseas, it's all performed on legal manner and the local government doesn't interfere as long it's performed on peaceful manner.

Why this sabotage? 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Job Hoppers

Extracted from The Star 20/4/11

One in three Malaysian workers plans to change jobs and seek new opportunities within the next year, a recent survey shows.

This is the finding of a survey by Kelly Glo­-bal Workforce Index (KGWI), in which nearly 170,000 people from 30 countries took part, including 4,500 Malaysians.

The annual index found 58% of Malaysians intend to look for new jobs with different employers within the next year.

“Many employees have become disengaged from their work, with less than half feeling valued by their employers.

“More than one in three say they frequent­­ly think about quitting,” said Kelly Services Singapore and Malaysia managing director Melissa Norman.

Those aged 19 to 30 (Gen Y) and 31 to 48 (Gen X) are more likely to switch jobs, with 59% from both generations planning to quit within the next year.

This is compared to the 43% among the generation aged 49 to 66 (the baby boomers).


1. Flexible working hours
2. Opportunity for growth
3. Opportunity for learning

Friday, April 13, 2012

MAS Changed their logo - Will this change the company's health?

From a cash rich company to "non-profit organisation". 

What's wrong with the old logo?

My concern is, why do we need to pay a big chunk of amount to the marketing consultants to design a new logo, when the company is already in financial problems. They just purchased new planes and now with this, I just wonder how far are they going to go.

Are they still going to depend on goverment's funding which was actually derived from our tax money? 

Royal Family vs Sports

When comes to leadership in sports, we always favored either a Corporate Personnel or Royal Family. But my concern is, why do we need such person for the sports association. A sports leader is someone whom knows the sports, plays the sports and of course passionate abt the particular sports. In addition to it, some normal leadership quality i.e listening skills, delegation, mentoring, motivator, organiser etc.

We have seen in hockey, Sultan Azlan Shah was the President of Malaysian Hockey Federation followed by his son, Raja Nazrin. Moving to football. We have and STILL HAVE Sultan Ahmad Shah. His son once Vice President of FAM, now the President of MHF.

The latest in the role is Tunku Mahkota of Johor Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim has agreed to contest the post of Malaysian Athletic Union (MAU) president.

Why can't we have the real sports man to lead the association like PS Nathan (Bowling), Mjr Rtd Maniam (squash), Punch Gunalan (Badminton) and Kali Kavandan (Hockey) and M.Jegathesan (Athletics).

Are you Training to Succeed?

Attitude over aptitude

There is a saying that employers hire candidates for attitude and train for aptitude.
This holds true as personal character, positive traits and passion are favoured by many employers over professional experience. Someone who has a good point of reference, positive attitude and passion will win over someone with a great portfolio but doesn't have any good traits. Tap on your confidence and passion to succeed in life when you attend an interview.

Showcase your capabilities

Employers look for depth of knowledge, problem-solving skills and communication skills during an interview.
It is therefore vital to share your capabilities to your prospective employer. You may speak about your interest, activities and hobbies to draw your interviewer into having a better understanding of you. For some of you, this may be your first attempt at getting a job and you would not have past work experience to share. Touch on topics about your school activities or projects that you had embarked on. The main concept here is to have you share something interesting and to showcase your capabilities.

Moderate Expectations

When you set your expectations too high, you are setting yourself to fail!
This is a critical point to remember as it's important to be realistic in what you expect to achieve, your capabilities and the commensurate rewards and salary scale. Match your abilities to how you can add value to a company. Understand the industry standards or market rate during discussions on salary expectations. As a fresh graduate, not every job pays you RM3,000 with a room of your own and a view to boot. As William Shakespeare said - “to climb steep hills requires a slow pace at first.”

Reality Check

Not every job offers you shorter work hours, ability to work from home or greater flexibility.
Unless you have displayed and proved your worth as an employee, chances are your bosses will not trust you with remote working options such as working from home or away from the office. Find your passion and identify the companies that best suit your capabilities for that successful job offer. The true test of a new employee's capabilities is during the first three months where you are given specific tasks to handle to prove your mettle in differentiating those who are cut out for the job and those that have been placed in the wrong role.
Aim to succeed even though it would be a learning curve for you when you join a company during the first six months. You need to adopt, adapt and approach the role and expectations with a determination to succeed.

Pushing boundaries

There are some career opportunities which may require you to adapt and survive in an environment that was completely different to your usual environment.
Take for example, a job offer which will see you posted to another country on a project. Such opportunities will provide invaluable training in understanding and appreciating different cultures which is a useful skill to have in the globalised corporate environment. Some of these experiences pushes you to think on your feet and is not necessarily something that is taught in schools.

Beyond average go for extra'

In an environment where “average is over,” everybody has to find their extra' factor - their unique talent, skills,contribution, or commitment that separates them from the pack.
That Used to Be Us, Thomas Friedman's newest book (written with Johns Hopkins professor Michael Mandelbaum), has at least one such observation - a principle so clearly true that it should become a mantra of sorts for leaders everywhere who want to build something great and do something important. Chapter Seven of the book is called Average Is Over, and what was average' worked ten years ago but is below average today and will be further below average ten years from now. As a result, everyone needs to raise his or her game just to stay in place, let alone get ahead.

Strike a balance between what you can achieve against what you think and hope to achieve. It's key to understand that in order to achieve and taste success, you need to understand where you're heading and to embrace each step ahead with determination and humility. I'll like to leave you with words of encouragement especially to those venturing into the working world:

“I long to accomplish great and noble tasks, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they are great and noble. The world is moved along not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker.” - Helen Keller

Melissa Norman, managing director for Kelly Services Singapore and Malaysia, believes it is never too early to set a clear direction for one's future, even if the working world is still some years away.